Hello everyone,
Recently I’ve upgraded my computer and reinstalled my OS with Microsoft’s Windows Vista x64.
While trying to figure out what was causing my problems with my headset (the all famous Creative helicopter sound with the fatality USB gaming headset HS – 1000), I stumbled upon Vista’s speech recognition and decided to give it a go.
While you’re reading this, I am sitting behind my computer saying this text out loud into my microphone and my computer Will transform my voice into written text on your screen.
It takes awhile of getting used to, but once you get the hang of all the different commands it’s a lot of fun.
Even I got annoyed numerous times when my computer didn’t recognize what I was saying properly. You can pretty much do anything you want within windows just by using your voice.
I managed to install java and windows live messenger only by using my voice. The only thing speech recognition doesn’t work with is UAC (User Account Control), you’ll have to use your mouse to click to continue button.
Whenever you’re using the speech recognition, your computer will enhance itself and thus be able to understand you much better after a certain period of time.
🙂 can be shown by simply saying smiley face
🙁 can be shown by simply saying frowny face
Of course there are much more commands available to you, I suggest you try out that tutorial yourself!!
Anyhow I’m going to have some more fun with my new toy,
Catch you guys later!
– Dirk